Finding the Right Balance between Nature and Technology:

Parth Agrawal
3 min readJul 21, 2021


Nature = TEchnology

It is usually hard for a lot of people to find the right balance between nature and technology. Some people have become so addicted to technology and the way of life that technology brings that such people have totally forgotten how life is with nature. Also, some people have refused to accept technology and are stuck with old ways, which makes them live a life that is not up to standard. Nature is an extraordinary example of a self-sustaining system. It automatically knows how to self-balance with continuous harmony throughout. Technology, on the other hand, is something that we are still learning to balance

Finding the right balance means living both forms of life moderately without going overboard with anyone. Doing this will go a very long way in living a life that is both easy (through technological advancements) and healthy (through nature), we must find the right balance between nature and technology.

Technology should be seen as a tool, not the solution; we as people will always be the solution to our problems and nature will respond to it.

If technology is a boon for humanity, it will not take time to become a curse. So it’s prescribed to use the technology wisely. We require both natures as well as technology

Nature is balanced by Technology and vice versa

Technology is not our enemy, it’s our ally, addiction towards the technology is our enemy

The aim, then, in accepting that technological progress will happen, is to find ways to combine it with your humanitarian goals, and use it to your advantage. For many who resist technology, the feeling is that there’s something slightly sinister about it, something not to be trusted. Embracing technology is not the same as being naïve, though you simply want to learn about how tech is there to help you, and make use of those to the best of your ability.

Technological nature has its benefits; engaging with it makes us feel good by triggering our innate “biophilia,” a term for humanity’s inborn, primordial affiliation with the environment. For example, researchers have found that nature videos played in prisons drastically reduce violence amongst inmates, suggesting nature’s relaxing influence translates through screens. Studies have also found that watching Planet Earth brings viewers joy and markedly lowers anxiety and that workers in offices with plasma-screen “windows” that play live streams of the outdoors are happier and more productive than their counterparts working in rooms without any windows at all.

Technology has helped us simplify our lives. It has made the world a smaller place, assisted in fighting off the deadliest diseases, and solved the most complicated problems for us. The next problem that stands before us is that of the ecological changes we face. Keeping in mind the potential technology has, environmental scientists are now saving the environment with technology.

What benefits do humans derive from our relationship with nature, and how is that relationship changing as we advance technologically?

Nature is necessary for our physical and psychological wellbeing. Interacting with nature teaches us to live in relation with the other, not in domination over the other: You don’t control the birds flying overhead, or the moon rising, or the bear walking where it would like to walk. In my appraisal, one of the overarching problems of the world today is that we see ourselves living in domination over rather than in relation with other people and with the natural world.

Can Technological Nature experiences such as VR Nature Simulations or Video Games provide comparable benefits to those reaped from time spent in real nature?

We get benefits from technological nature, but we don’t know what we’re missing. For example, people are now doing more and more climbing inside climbing gyms. It used to be that you climbed outside and had infinite degrees of freedom of your choices up a rock wall and experienced all forms of weather, and you needed to modulate accordingly. But in a gym, one’s freedom is reduced. It’s better than nothing, but it’s not as good as actual nature.

THANK YOU for reading😊

